
HCM vs. 他:

健康信息管理HIM vs. 医疗保健管理HCM差异

有商业头脑和帮助他人的兴趣? A career in 医疗管理 or 健康信息管理 could be right for you.

如果你在找医疗保健领域的学位课程, you’ve probably noticed there are a many different majors to choose 从 with very similar-sounding names. 然而,re are important differences to keep in mind when choosing your career direction 和 your degree.

Two fields people often confuse with one another include 医疗管理 和 健康信息管理. Both play an important role in ensuring quality health care delivery, 但两者的侧重点不同. 在本文中, we’ll unpack the differences between these two fields 和 explain potential career paths in each, 包括职位名称, 潜在的薪水, 就业增长, 以及你能从学位课程中学到什么.


医疗管理 refers to the practices 和 procedures involved with operating 和 supervising hospitals 和 other healthcare facilities. Health care man年龄rs aim to improve care quality 和 cost efficiency at their facilities by working with medical providers, 金融, 人力资源, IT, 以及组织的其他方面.


健康信息管理 医疗保健是一个快速发展的领域吗. 健康信息管理器 收集, 分析, 维护, 安全, 并管理医疗机构的健康信息以进行计费, 研究, 质量改进, 的认证, 还有很多其他重要的用途. 的 core function of this profession is protecting the integrity 和 security of patient data to run the healthcare industry. 健康信息管理器 possess a combination of medical coding skills, 它的知识, 以及商业和管理知识.


Both fields combine 业务知识 和 specific knowledge of the healthcare environment to support the delivery of high-quality, 为患者提供具有成本效益的医疗保健. Regardless of whether you have a 医疗管理 job or a 健康信息管理 job, 你将与医生密切合作, 外科医生, 护士, 实验室技术, 和其他医疗服务提供者一起履行自己的职责.

You will also interact with representatives of your facility’s executive leadership. 除了, your role may involve working with representatives of health insurance companies—especially if you work in 健康信息管理 careers.


Job titles for healthcare man年龄rs will vary depending on the facility 和 department they work in. 幸运28计划头衔包括:

  • 临床主任
  • 健康管理器
  • 心理健康幸运28计划经理
  • 实践管理员
  • 幸运28计划经理

If you’re coming to 医疗管理 after gaining experience as a healthcare practitioner, you may also have a title relevant to the clinical area you are overseeing, 比如“护士长”. You may also have a job title which refers to a specific business function, 比如“临床财务总监”.


现在是进入医疗保健领域的好时机. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), 医疗管理 jobs are set to grow faster than all other man年龄ment jobs.

2022-2032, 美国劳工统计局幸运28计划 医疗和卫生服务经理的职位空缺正在增长 28%,远快于全美的平均水平.S. 职业.*


卫生和医疗服务经理的薪资潜力很大. 根据 劳工统计局在美国,医疗卫生服务经理的平均工资是 $134,440 每年($64.64 每小时).*


Job titles for health information man年龄rs will also vary depending on the role. 潜在的职位包括:


根据 来自劳工统计局的数据, employment for health information technologists is expected to grow 17%2022-2032.*


美国劳工统计局报告 that the aver年龄 annual salary for health information technologists is $70,260 每年($33.78 每小时).*

了解更多关于你能赚多少钱的细节 医疗管理 or 健康信息管理.


Getting off to a strong start in either 医疗管理 or 健康信息管理 starts with earning a degree.

在浙江大学,软件下载的 医疗保健管理计划 教授商业运作和管理的基本技能, 包括金融, 会计, 人力资源管理, 管理信息系统. 此外,该幸运28计划还教授有关美国的知识.S. 公共和私人医疗保健系统, 再加上医学术语的介绍, 医疗保健政策, 医疗法律和道德. 你可以选择你想要获得的教育水平 联系, to 学士硕士学位 选项.

软件下载的 健康信息管理程序 教授混合医疗帐单和编码技巧, 业务知识, 医疗保健系统知识. 学生 in this program will be prepared to administer healthcare computer systems as well as man年龄 entry-level billers 和 coders. 联系学士学位 选项可用.  Graduates of the 联系 program can qualify to take the 注册医疗资讯技术员(RHIT) certification exam 和 graduates of the bachelor program can qualify to take the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification exam.


To advance your career in either field, you may consider pursuing a master’s degree. Herzing的 工商管理硕士 offers you the opportunity to earn the skills 和 education needed to advance to the highest level of leadership in 21st-century healthcare organizations.

软件下载的存在是为了帮助你找到事业上的成功. When you’re considering your first step into a new career in healthcare, we are here to help you find your way 和 become the successful professional you’ve always wanted to be.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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